ILC EUCON Defends Ukrrichflot in Dispute with Kyiv State Tax Inspectorate - Юридическая группа EUCON

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ILC EUCON Defends Ukrrichflot in Dispute with Kyiv State Tax Inspectorate

Lawyers from the International Legal Center EUCON defended the interests of JSC Ukrrichflot shipping company before the Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine.

The claim on the cancellation of tax notice-decisions levied by the State Tax Inspectorate of Kyiv was filed by Ukrrichflot. The subject of these decisions was CPT and VAT liabilities in the total amount of UAH 2.5 million. The court rejected the findings of the Tax Inspectorate concerning Ukrrichflot’s alleged violation of the norms and methods specified in Article 39 of the Tax Code of Ukraine regarding unlawful pricing of business operations of the company. EUCON Attorney Volodymyr Bevza defended the interests of Ukrrichflot in court, and he was led by EUCON Managing Partner Yaroslav Romanchuk.

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