The logical continuation of the IX International Forum “Days of Polish Business in Ukraine” was the strategic session “Doing Business in Poland” organized by the Legal High School in cooperation with the EUCON Legal Group.
The conference was attended by experts from the Warsaw office of the EUCON Legal Group, namely Andriy Romanchuk, partner and head of the Warsaw office EUCON Legal Group, Michal Spala, Attorney-at-law, Valdemar Chok, Tax Advisor, Arthur Shevchyk, Counselor for Accounting and Tax Accounting, Patricia Deredas, lawyer, and Inga Livandovska, lawyer.
So, the strategic session was started by Andriy Romanchuk, the moderator of the Event. Mr. Romanchuk told the audience about the types of companies in Poland, the ways of their registration, the main documents which regulate their activities. Separately, the expert paid attention to questions of members of companies, the authorized capital, bodies of government, the liability for offenses committed by members of companies. Andriy Romanchuk also told about all stages of the registration procedure and the difficulties that may arise when opening a bank account.
Michal Spala was the next speaker within the topic on “Acquisition of property rights for real estate by a foreigner in Poland” and he told about the ways and terms of obtaining a permit for acquiring real estate, methods of communicating with Poland in order to obtain a permit. The speaker also mentioned the problems that most often arise when acquiring a foreign real estate in Poland.
Valdemar Chok’s speech on the topic “Tax System of Poland, Tax Disputes and the Application of the Convention on the Avoidance of Double Taxation between Ukraine and Poland” continued. Thus, Mr. Chok told about duties and rights of taxpayers in Poland, the income tax, the procedure for paying taxes by legal entities and natural persons, categories of taxpayers, types of benefits and the mechanism of their appointment, the main rates of income and the procedure for their declaration. The expert considered separately the functioning of the tax system of Poland in general, the tax report, and described the work of the ratified Convention on the Avoidance of Double Taxation.
The next speaker was Arthur Shevchyk, who told participants of the strategic session about the functioning and features of tax and accounting in Poland and disassembled the main mistakes that Ukrainian owners of Polish companies are allowed to make, as well as their consequences.
The speech of Patricia Deredas was informative, interesting and useful; she shared with the audience information on the judicial system of Poland, namely, the functioning, features, activity and structure of the Supreme Court and military justice, general and administrative justice, and the litigation procedure.
Inga Livandovska told about labor and migration law in Poland, mistakes that Ukrainians in Poland most often assume. So, Mrs. Livandovska considered the legality of staying in Poland, described some reasons for legal staying in Poland, described in detail the visa procedure and about the “karta pobytu”, particularly, about its types and grounds for its obtaining. Also, the expert pointed out the list of documents, on the basis of which everyone can work in Poland legally, and told about the terms of employment.
The Strategic Session “Doing Business in Poland” was completed by Yaroslav Romanchuk, the managing partner of the EUCON Legal Group. His presentation was about the Business Service Center project of the “Ukrainian Business Hub” in Warsaw, which was implemented by EUCON Legal Group. The content of this project is that in one large room, there are various companies that provide a wide range of outsourcing services in many areas. Clients of the Business Service Center are Polish companies, the final beneficiaries of which are Ukrainian residents.