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17 listopada 2017 r., odbędzie się II Kongres Polskiej Ligi Ukraińskich Studentów – największe spotkanie ukraińskich studentów, studiujących na uniwersytetach i uczelniach Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. W 2016 roku, ukraińscy studentci w Polsce zainicjowali nową tradycję – organizowania integracyjnych spotkań ukraińskich studentów polskich uczelni, co roku – w Międzynarodowy Dzień Studenta (17 listopada), przy wsparciu Zrzeszenia Ukraińskiego [:]

The largest energy forum in Eastern Ukraine was hosted in Kharkiv


On September 27-28, 2017, the Energy Efficient Technologies and Construction forum organized on the initiative of EU4Business and held with the support of the EBRD in Ukraine, took place in Kharkiv. At the invitation of the organizers, Yaroslav Romanchuk, managing partner of EUCON International Legal Center, President of the Ukrainian Businesses Association in Poland, took [:]

A seminar on TP reporting was held with the support of EUCON


The Central Office of the State Fiscal Service in Kyiv, with the support of EUCON International Legal Center, hosted a free workshop for businesses on Transfer Pricing: preparation of the report on controlled transactions. The seminar took place on September 27, 2017, in the premises of the Central Office of the State Fiscal Service of [:]

Central Ukrainian Investment Day – 2017 was held in Kropyvnytskyi


On September 21, 2017, the International Investment Forum “Central Ukrainian Investment Day – 2017” took place in Kropyvnitskyi. The event was held as part of the International Agricultural Exhibition AGROEXPO-2017, which is currently the largest in Ukraine. The main goal of the event was to present the experience of foreign regions, investors and companies, as [:]

Yaroslav Romanchuk on promoting investment and trade through the prism of the Ukrainian Business Association in Poland activity


Yaroslav Romanchuk, Managing Partner of EUCON International Legal Center, President of the Ukrainian Businesses Association in Poland took part in the “ENTREPRENEURSHIP-INNOVATIVITY-REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT” conference, held on September 18, 2017 in Kyiv. The conference was organized as part of the development assistance project for Ukraine entitled “Increasing the investment attractiveness of Ukraine and competitiveness of its [:]

EUCON acted as a partner of Leadership in Law


On September 7, 8 and 9, 2017, Leadership in Law school of practical law held a second stage of the “Competitive Law Business Management” study programme in Kyiv, partnered with EUCON International Legal Center. Participants of the programme are managing partners and senior lawyers representing small and medium law businesses of Ukraine. Yaroslav Romanchuk, Managing [:]

Benefits of investing in Poland were discussed in Vinnytsia


On September 8, 2017, the V International Investment Forum “Vinnytsia Region – Business in the heart of Ukraine” was held in Vinnytsia. At the invitation of the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration, Managing Partner of EUCON International Legal Center, President of the Ukrainian Business Association in Poland, Yaroslav Romanchuk took part in the forum and presented [:]

Experts from EUCON spoke at the Transfer Pricing seminar held in Kherson


On September 7, 2017, the seminar entitled “Transfer Pricing: preparation of reports on controlled operations” organized by the Kherson Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the General Directorate of the State Fiscal Service in the Kherson region was held in Kherson. The EUCON International Legal Center representatives Larysa Vrublevska, partner, head of transfer pricing, and [:]

Yaroslav Romanchuk on the benefits of implementing business ideas in Poland and entering the EU markets


Managing Partner of EUCON International Legal Center, President of the Ukrainian Business Association in Poland Yaroslav Romanchuk took part in the International Business Forum “Agribusiness: Development Strategy, New Technologies and Financial Solutions“, which was held on September 7, 2017 in Kyiv.  Yaroslav spoke on the topic “Exporter’s own trading house in Poland as a way [:]

Latest trends in automation and business security were discussed at the “Integrated solution for enterprise automation” conference.


Ways to increase the efficiency of new opportunities and current trends in the field of automation and business security were discussed at the “Integrated solution for enterprise automation” conference, which took place on July 19, 2017 in Kyiv. Yevhen Petrenko, a partner, lawyer, head of criminal law and litigation at EUCON International Legal Center, was [:]

VII International Forum “Polish Business Days in Ukraine”


On 26th  October 2017 the VII International Forum “Polish Business Day in Ukraine” will be held in Kyiv. The forum has been uniting representatives of the authorities and business community of Ukraine and Poland in order to develop Polish-Ukrainian trade and economic relations, implement business-projects and enhance the inflow of investments into the Ukrainian economy, [:]

4th International Business Forum “Ukraine-2017. Challenges and Opportunities” was held in Kharkiv


Yaroslav Romanchuk, managing partner of EUCON International Legal Center, President of the Ukrainian Business Association in Poland, participated in the 4th International Business Forum in Kharkiv on June 21, 2017. As part of the session dedicated to exports and international cooperation, Yaroslav explained the participants how the Ukrainian exporters would benefit from opening their own [:]

EUCON defended the interests of the international oil company in court


The lawyers of ILC EUCON upheld the legality of the position of the international oil company in the High Administrative Court of Ukraine. The case was accompanied in courts of administrative jurisdiction for more than 12 years, but, nevertheless, the decision of the court of the first instance, which canceled the tax notice-decisions by the [:]



On 29-30 May, 2017 an annual two-day conference INTAX FORUM UKRAINE 2017 was held in Parkovy Convention and Exhibition Center, Kyiv. The event brought together international professionals in the field of corporate finance, corporate structuring and international tax planning from all over the world. The organizers invited the managing partner of EUCON International Legal Center, [:]

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