If you are not currently in the territory of Poland but you have urgent questions related to your business, real estate, mortgage, bank, leasing, car, school, employer, legalization of stay, tax or customs issues, which need immediate solution, our specialists are ready to provide qualified assistance. Our lawyers, attorneys-at-law, tax advisers, accounting advisers are at [:]
Attention please! EUCON Legal Group is working remotely from 16.03.2020, all communication channels remain available!
Dear Clients and Partners! Due to the quarantine in Ukraine through the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus and in order to insure the health of employees EUCON Legal Group team will work remotely from 16.03.2020. During the forced temporary activities, our team will work according to the usual schedule, all working and mobile phones are available, [:]
Attention please! EUCON Legal Group is working remotely from 16.03.2020, all communication channels remain available!
Dear Clients and Partners! Due to the quarantine in Ukraine through the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus and in order to insure the health of employees EUCON Legal Group team will work remotely from 16.03.2020.
“What if …”: changes in the agricultural sector of the region’s economy after the land reform were discussed by members of the forum in Pokrovsk
The First East Agro Workshop on “Possibilities of Effective Development of Agricultural Sector of the Economy of the Region in terms of Land Reform Implementation” was held in Pokrovsk, on March 3, 2020. Anatolii Miroshnychenko, attorney-at-law, senior partner of Legal GroupEUCON, participated in the Event as a speaker. During the sessions and panel discussions, experts [:]
Partners of the EUCON Law Group held a hands-on workshop for the company’s clients
Yaroslav Romanchuk and Yevgen Petrenko, attorneys-at-law, partners of Legal Group EUCON, held a workshop for clients in Lutsk on February 21.
“Leaving cash – can’t be denied?” – a roundtable discussion about the need for cash for Ukrainians, organized by “Financial Club”, was held
On February 11, the “Finance Club” organized a roundtable on “Do Ukrainians Need Cash?”, the speaker of which became Yaroslav Romanchuk, an attorney-at-law, the managing partner of theLegal Group EUCON.
Registration for the VI International Forum “Transfer Pricing and International Taxation – 2020” is opened
We would like to invite you to our annual event – VI International Forum “Transfer Pricing and International Taxation– 2020”, which will be held online on July 30, 2020.
XII International Forum “Polish-Ukrainian Business Days”
EUCON Legal Group and the Ukrainian Business Association in Poland would like to invite you to visit the 12th International Forum “Polish-Ukrainian Business Days” which will be held online on September 24, 2020.
Social project from EUCON on training of specialists in the field of land and agrarian law
On 20 December, EUCON Legal Group, represented by Yaroslav Romanchuk, the Managing Partner of the Company, and the Coordination Centre for Legal Aid Provision, represented by Olexii Bonyuk, the Director, have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation as part of its private-public partnership initiatives.
EUCON Legal Group managed to exclude the company from the risk list and to resume its activities in the short term
Attorneys-at-law of EUCON Legal Group have defended the interests of OPOS-TORG LLC, one of the leading international meat suppliers in Ukraine, in the bodies of the State Tax Service of Ukraine.
Harvesting: EUCON Legal Group has become the leader in land and agricultural law in 2019 pursuant to the Liga Zakon Awards!
Liga Law Awards 2019, an independent professional Legal Services Market Rating, including legal infrastructure, was held for the first time in Kyiv on December 13.
Legal Olympus: EUCON has traditionally been listed in the “TOP-50” rating, “Legal Practice newspaper” (“Yuridicheskaya Praktika).
“Legal Practice newspaper” published the results of the annual rating of “50 Leading Law Firms of Ukraine in 2019″. EUCON Legal Group has been among the 50 leading law firms in Ukraine since 2010.
“Actively searching”: the issue of new financial instruments for farmers was discussed by participants of the First Land Forum on “Access to finance and leasing”
The First Land Forum on “Access to finance and leasing”, organized by EUCON Legal Group, took place in Kyiv on November 29. Representatives of government agencies, banks, leasing and finance companies, business entities and the agro-sector came together to discuss ways to find new sources of finance for farmers, support programs available for development, credit [:]
Investments only? Ways to Improve Polish-Ukrainian Relations became the Subject of Discussion at XI International Forum “Polish Business Days in Ukraine”
XI International Forum “Polish Business Days in Ukraine” was held in Kyiv on November 14, it is one of the largest events that became one of the leading platforms for the development of Ukrainian-Polish relations. This year about 130 participants took part in the event including businessmen, civil servants, diplomats, public figures of Ukraine and [:]
Price issue: land value after market launch has become a key topic of the Forum on “LIFE AFTER: Key Aspects of Land Market Launch in Ukraine”.
Politicians, experts and businessmen gathered in Kyiv on October 30 at the Forum on “LIFE AFTER: Key Aspects of Launching the Land Market in Ukraine” to discuss the details, pricing and financial and economic aspects of starting a land market in Ukraine. For example, Anatolii Miroshnychenko, the Head of Land and Agrarian Law Practice of [:]
Tax connecting people: What Tax Connections Day 2019 participants were talking about
On October 31, in Kyiv, Tax Connections Day 2019 brought together the best experts in the tax field in Ukraine to discuss investment, scaling, business tax burden, 2020 trends, tax reform, TP, tax realities, IT trends, BEPS and MLI in Ukraine. There were the following speakers of the Event, namely, Yaroslav Romanchuk, Attorney-at-law, Managing Partner [:]
The word of the Agrarian: The 4th Agrarian Law Conference was held in Kyiv
The issue of opening up the land market in Ukraine is gaining momentum and has become a major topic of discussion for both civil servants, politicians, business representatives, and ordinary citizens. Particularly, participants of the 4th Agrarian Law Conference, held on October 28 in Kyiv, spoke about the land market, as well as raiding in [:]
Eksperci omawiają konstytucyjność referendum w sprawie zniesienia moratorium na sprzedaż gruntów rolnych
W dniu 24 października 2019 r. Odbyła się dyskusja panelowa: „Referendum w sprawie reformy rolnej:Czy jest to możliwe? Czy jest to wskazane?”, organizowana w celu zniesienia moratorium przez Koalicję Publiczną wraz ze Społecznym Stowarzyszeniem „Koalicja Pakietu Reform Reanimacyjnych”.
Once again about taxes: tax workshop of the Taxpayers Association of Ukraine was held in Kyiv
Experts of EUCON Legal Group actively share their experience and practical knowledge in taxation. Thus, on October 23, workshop for taxpayers – members of the Taxpayers Association of Ukraine – took place in Kyiv for the fourth time. The Event was organized jointly with the specialists of the Directorate of the State Tax Service in [:]
Delaying the search for a solution to the land reform issue in Ukraine for 28 years of independence has led to a real crisis in this direction. Given the severity of the problem, government announced the transition to the final stage of land reform, the main point of which is the launch of the land [:]