"Chambers Europe 2021": EUCON was included in the list of the best tax companies and the company's partners are noted among the recommended experts in the field of taxes - EUCON legal Group

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“Chambers Europe 2021”: EUCON was included in the list of the best tax companies and the company’s partners are noted among the recommended experts in the field of taxes

The international rating “Chambers and Partners” published the results of the annual survey “Chambers Europe 2021”, according to which the EUCON Legal Group was included in the list of the best companies in the tax field. Also  managing partner Yaroslav Romanchuk and  partner Larysa Vrublevska were noted among recommended in tax practice in Ukraine.The rating also emphasized the quality of the company’s advice on taxes and transfer pricing, support during tax audits and litigation, in particular in administrative and criminal proceedings.

“Company assists domestic clients as well as Ukrainian branches of global media, agriculture and consumer goods companies.”– said Chambers.

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