EUCON accompanies the biggest public tax disputes in Ukraine - EUCON legal Group

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EUCON accompanies the biggest public tax disputes in Ukraine

According to the Top 50 Law Firms in Ukraine rating 2015, International Legal Center EUCON is recognized as a leader among Ukrainian law firms, which represented interests of the companies in the largest public disputes in the field of taxation.

In particular, the largest tax dispute for almost $ 52 million was accompanied by the International Legal Center EUCON. EUCON defended interests of the taxpayer in the dispute on recognition as unlawful and cancellation of tax notices that determine certain liabilities for the VAT, excise duties and income tax, and on the recovery of fines for the late VAT refund.

Moreover, 4 of the 20 largest tax disputes, or nearly one third in value terms, were accompanied by the International Legal Center EUCON.

Since 2012, International Legal Center EUCON and disputes accompanied by the firm have been regularly appearing in the 20 Biggest Public Tax Disputes rating.

20 Biggest Public Tax Disputes 2015 and Top 50 Law Firms in Ukraine ratings can be viewed by the following link:

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