Lawyers of the ILC EUCON defended the interests of Mikogen Ukraine, one of the leaders in producing mushroom compost on the European market, before the The Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine - EUCON legal Group

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Lawyers of the ILC EUCON defended the interests of Mikogen Ukraine, one of the leaders in producing mushroom compost on the European market, before the The Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine

The claim was filed by Mikogen Ukraine to Kremenets United State Tax Inspectorate in Ternopil region on cancellation of the decision according to which the company was excluded from fixed agricultural taxpayers.

The Supreme Administrative Court dismissed the cassation appeal of the Tax Inspectorate. Decisions of the courts of previous instances which satisfied the company’s claim in full were left unchanged.

Attorney, deputy head of litigation department of the ILC EUCON Volodymyr Bevza led by managing partner, attorney Yaroslav Romanchuk defended the interests of the taxpayer before the court.

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