Dear Volodymyr Borysovych!
Ukrainian businesses and foreign investors appreciate your efforts to restore order in the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine.
The businesses generally support your idea to consider publicly the cases of unlawful actions by the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine officials towards the taxpayers and implementation of legislation on personal responsibility of the tax authority officials and employees.
At the Sweden-Ukraine Business Forum you said that you would like to know about the cases of unlawful use of legislation against businesses.
As an attorney of Savik Shuster Studio LLC, I am ready to publicly provide documented evidence, including those made during the court hearing, of gross tax legislation violations by the officials, which exclusively concern administrative procedures, namely an appointment of inspection, drafting of the inspection results, transfer of materials that gave rise to criminal proceedings, and procedures of administrative consideration of the complaint by the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine departments.
I publicly promise to take into account only legal facts excluding populism, emotions and political component, when considering the materials of the case.
Please accept my best regards and hope for a public meeting.
Yaroslav Romanchuk
Attorney, Managing Partner of
International Legal Center EUCON