Yevgen Petrenko took part in the business conference in Dnipropetrovsk - EUCON legal Group

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Yevgen Petrenko took part in the business conference in Dnipropetrovsk

Attorney, counsel of the International Legal Center EUCON Yevgen Petrenko took part in the business conference organized by “Business” weekly in Dnipropetrovsk on December 10, 2015. The conference was attended by more than 70 company managers of different industries.

During his speech Yevgen Petrenko focused on issues such as prevention of risks and destabilizing factors the business can face in its activities. He also spoke about the benefits of using the System of collective business security in Ukraine, explained how the synergistic effect of joint efforts of the mass media, lawyers and internal security is achieved in case enforcement officials come to the company. Practice has shown that such approach in responding to risks from regulatory and law enforcement agencies can form the basis for effective protection of the company interests in future.


Special attention was focused on the issue of taxpayers’ responsibility for the misconduct of counterparty (or counterparties) in the supply chain, which tax authorities always insist on. However, the legislation of Ukraine determines that the responsibility must be individualized. Yet, taxpayers should be cautious and act in good faith when choosing the counterparties and executing the transactions.


At the invitation of the organizers, attorneys and lawyers of the International Legal Center EUCON repeatedly take part in projects and public events organized by “Business” weekly in order to contribute to the business development of Ukraine, particularly small and medium.

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