More than 20 speakers addressed businessmen, young entrepreneurs, civil servants, public figures from Ukraine and Poland, who once again got together to discuss partnership issues between two neighboring countries.
The Forum was opened by Yaroslav Romanchuk, Managing Partner of the EUCON Legal Group, President of the Association of Ukrainian Businesses in Poland. Mr. Romanchuk was talking about the economic and business relations between Ukraine and Poland. Thus, the speaker presented statistical data on trade relations between two countries and stressed that Poland is the closest trade partner for Ukraine. In general, it was noted that the dynamics of the development of trade relations is positive.
Andrii Deshchytsia, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the Republic of Poland, Michal Olszewski, Vice President of the City of Warsaw, Grzegorz Bacziewski, the General Manager of Lewiatan Employers Confederation, Yaroslav Romanchuk, the President of the Ukrainian Business Association in Poland, Ireneusz Derek, the Chairman of the Association of Ukrainian Businesses in Poland, Volodymyr Stavniuk, the Chairman of the Board of the State Innovation Finance and Credit Institution of Ukraine, Vadym Sen, the Chairman of the SenV Group Sp. z o.o., Member of the Association of Ukrainian Business Association in Poland were members of the first panel discussion “Whether Poland became a window to Europe for Ukrainian business, and Ukraine is a window to the east for Polish business – a look through the prism of trade and economic relations analysis”.
Andrii Deshchytsia emphasized on the importance of such measures for strengthening the relations between Ukraine and Poland, to discuss issues of partnership and expand the boundaries of cooperation.
Michal Olszewski also highlighted the importance of the relations between Ukraine and Poland in the field of international cooperation. The speaker raised the issue of migration, the stay of Ukrainian students in Warsaw and the openness of the city for Ukrainians and educational cooperation.
During the speech Volodymyr Stavniuk spoke about investments in Ukraine, the stabilization of the Ukrainian economy, the growth of the level of GDP and the need to apply Polish experience.
Grzegorz Bachewski noted the depth of cooperation between Ukraine and Poland and the attractiveness of the Ukrainian market for investments by Polish investors.
Vadym Sen stressed that Poland became a window to Europe for Ukraine. The speaker also noticed the importance of gaining Ukrainian education in Poland and raised the problem of returning skilled personnel back to Ukraine. But at the same time, Vadym Sen pointed out that the number of Ukrainian graduates of Polish higher educational institutions is growing dynamically.
After the first session Andrii Deshchytska, the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Poland to Ukraine, Inna Yarova, the Vice-President of the Ukrainian Business Association in Poland, Ireneusz Derek, the Chairman of the Board Derek Group Sp.zoo, Jacek Kluczkowski, the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Ukraine were awarded by certificates of the ambassadors, during which, Yaroslav Romanchuk, the moderator of the first session, congratulated leaders and noted the importance of their contribution to the development of partnership relations between Ukraine and Poland.
Within the framework of the second panel discussion “What Ukrainian power industry could be attractive for foreign investors and Polish business as well?” Speakers discussed issues of energy cooperation between two countries.
Thus, Maxym Nemchinov, the state secretary of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine, told participants about the importance and level of the flow of money and the interaction of cash flows between Ukraine and Poland.
Igor Baranetskyi – the Advisor, Head of the Economic Affairs Division of the Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of Poland, spoke about energy cooperation issues, corridors of gas transportation through Ukraine and the willingness of Polish investors to invest in this sector.
Sergiy Savchuk, the Head of the State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation of Ukraine, mentioned that Ukraine needs to diversify its resources and increase energy efficiency, particularly, attention should be paid to garbage processing, which is a promising source for earning additional financial resources.
Mykhailo Bno-Airiian, the Deputy Director for Communications and International Cooperation, State Enterprise NEC “Ukrenergo”, emphasized the priority of the electricity market and its approach to Poland.
Irenesz Derek, the Chairman of the Management Board Derek Group Sp. z o.o., the Member of the Board of the International Society of Polish Entrepreneurs in Ukraine, was the moderator of the second session.
During the third session “Financial Tools for Business Support and IT Solutions”, moderator of which was Andrii Romanchuk, Attorney-at-law, Partner of the EUCON Legal Group in Poland, speakers discussed prospective sectors that could become alternative resources for new financial support instruments for business.
Thus, Volodymyr Stavniuk, Chairman of the Board of the State Innovation Finance and Credit Institution of Ukraine, noted that the State Finance and Credit Institution finances projects that neither the state nor commercial investors can finance; directions of work of the institution – the bank of projects of Ukraine; financing of investment projects; Invention Support Fund; development of scientific potential; realization of projects with Polish clusters; opportunities for Poland to invest in Ukrainian projects; energy projects, as well as transnational corridors.
Mykola Druzhko, the chief specialist of the Department of Analytical Support of the Kyiv City Mayor of the executive body of the Kyiv City Council, told about the provision of assistance from the KСSA, start-ups (innovative, environmental), production support, in addition to harmful, cooperation with the financial and credit institution. The speaker stressed that 5% of exports in Kiev – from Poland.
Jerzy Jacyk Shugayev, the Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of PJSC “KREDOBANK”, spoke about services the bank provides Ukrainian business with, cooperation with the city administration and business development support program.
Felix Koberski, Trade Finance Trade Expert at the Banking Transactions Department of the National Bank of Poland, spoke about supporting Ukrainian investment projects, financing companies in Ukraine, and providing loans for the implementation of Ukrainian projects.
Pavel May, the Director of investment at bValue VC, the Member of the Ukrainian Association of Venture and Private Equity, UVCA, spoke about the technological merits of the marketing sector, through which the companies succeed, about the use of technological mechanisms for the successful registration of firms.
At the forum’s equator, a presentation of the project for the development of the border guard units was presented by Yevgen Rotar, head of the construction management sector of the Department of Resource Supply, State Border Guard Service of Ukraine and Viktor Sobchuk, Deputy Head of the Department of Financial and Economic Support, State Border Guard Service. So, experts told about the content of the project: State Border Guard Service of Ukraine allocated funds for the repair of 7 border posts on the border of Ukraine and Poland, 8 tenders were announced, two reconstruction projects were completed.
The fourth session of the forum “Infrastructure Projects and Construction as Drivers of Polish and Ukrainian Business Cooperation”, moderated by Jacek Kluczkowski, Ukraine Coordinator for the Institute of East European Studies; Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Poland to Ukraine (2005-2011). The fourth session was opened by Oleksandr Kiktenko, the president of “Staleks”, who spoke about industrial parks, experience and adaptation to European standards in the market.
Viktor Sobchuk added that tenders for the construction of border posts are carried out under the “Prozoro” system; polish entrepreneurs are paid in national currency; the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and the Ministry of Finance of Poland took part in the project; organizers have already experienced successful projects.
The fifth session of the Forum “Searching for Value Added in Agricultural Products Processing: Is there a Chance for Polish-Ukrainian Cooperation?” began with the word of Yaroslav Romanchuk concerning statistics of the agrarian sphere in Ukraine, which in the first 3 months of 2019 was marked by strong development.
Victor Sheremeta, the Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, said that the agrarian sector is today the locomotive of the Ukrainian economy. The speaker added that almost 50 million tons of grain was exported, which is the 2nd result in the world, after the United States, the world’s first result in the production and export of sunflower oil. The logistics issue, according to the speaker, is that there is a shortage of transport, large transitional soybean remains, there is a problem of grain delivery to the west.
Yana Pidlisna, the head of the strategy and communications department of the State Innovation Finance and Credit Institution of Ukraine, indicated that Ukraine was interested in the construction of processing plants, especially at the border with Poland. There are many mutually beneficial constructions proposals for Poland. The State Innovation Finance and Credit Institution is interested in developing an investment code, supporting start-ups of the agro-complex, developing mechanisms for supporting start-ups, developing business incubators and agrohabs.
Mykhailo Semenov – the Member of the Management Board of TMM Express Sp. z o.o., told about the launch of a pilot logistic project in Poland for Ukrainian producers. The speaker stressed that for the Polish manufacturers there is a simplified system of customs clearance of goods in Ukraine, as well as simplification of delivery of goods ordered through the Internet.
The last session of the forum “Renewable Energy in Ukraine: Current Status and Development Prospects”, moderated by Maxym Biliavsky, Razumkov Centre Expert, member of ENERGY Club.
Sergiy Savchuk, the Head of the State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine, mentioned that alternative energy today is the number one. So, the expert added that over the last period realized more projects of alternative energy, today we have an opportunity to bring the reliability of investments to a foreign investor; there are some projects of Canadian, Danish, Turkish, etc., and there is also an appetite for foreign investors in the field of alternative energy.
Yuliia Poliakova, the Director of Carbon Energy Systems, a member of ENERGY Club, said that Ukrainian companies, which will be very flexible, minimize costs, provide long guarantees for the investor to feel more confident. Germany, China, Turkey and other countries are actively investing in Ukrainian alternative energy projects.
Olexandr Burtovyi, Partner at “Antika” Law Firm, member of ENERGY CLUB, reported on changes in laws and the adoption of a new law that is a positive phenomenon. Regarding the changes that have taken place, the expert emphasized: the radical way of buying alternative energy was not changed, tenders for alternative energy projects were not changed.
“It would have been nice if the national legislation would be understandable for foreign invite investors”, added Maxym Biliavsky, moderator of expert opinion.
Olexandr Pavlovskyi, executive partner of the Energy Investment Fund, member of the ENERGY Club, told about the EIF as a platform for uniting investors, cooperation with large companies, including the big four. So, in the next 3 years, an investment of $ 8-10 billion is expected.
Partner-founder and director of Gryshchenko & Partners, member of ENERGY Club – Dmytro Gryshchenko, pointed out that alternative energy is the most attractive investment for foreigners, the market will become even more attractive, as production will grow.
Roman Ostroverh, director of the road transport department of DSV, member of the ENERGY Club, told about the main logistics and safety issues. The speaker pointed to the dynamic development of logistics in alternative energy.
The forum was ended with a presentation of Olexandr Tokarev, Deputy Director of Pilot Maker Elektro ScaleUp. According to the speaker, the alternative energy market in Poland consists of three elements: 1) the development of alternative energy in Poland due to EU planning: it is projected that 13% of alternative energy will be realized, therefore, Poland is interested in buying Ukrainian certificates, according to various data, Poland will be ready to spend on it 2 billion dollars; 2) in Poland, the market of promotions (individual consumers) is actively developing, which is positive for the development of the sphere; 3) the source of innovation can be startups and thus can solve the problems of large business.
At the end of the forum, the Ukrainian Business Hub was opened, the content of which consists in the fact that different companies operating in different premises provide a wide range of outsourcing services in various fields (legal, accounting, recruiting, marketing, tax advice and others). Clients of the Centre for business services are Polish companies, the final beneficiaries of which are Ukrainian residents. The mechanism of the hub operation is that the client has the opportunity to get all the services in one place and even can register the company at this address. A solemn cutting of the tape with the participation of Andrii Deshchytsia, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Poland and guests of the forum took place.
Consequently, the anniversary forum “Days of Ukrainian Business in Poland” was marked by the fruitful work of experts and participants, the emergence of new ideas and projects, the exchange of experience between the two countries and the opening of a new unique structure – the Ukrainian Business Hub. This is just the beginning, so watch out for the latest news and join future EUCON events!