In the framework of the award ceremony of the leading companies in Europe − European Tax Awards 2015, authoritative international publication International World Tax Review has defined a leader in the sphere of transfer pricing in Ukraine.
International Legal Center EUCON, Ukrainian legal firm with offices in Kiev and Warsaw, became the winner in nomination “Ukraine Transfer Pricing Firm of the Year”.
Along with ILC EUCON world famous legal and accounting firms, including the participants of the “big four”, have fought for the first place. The winner was determined by taking into account such characteristics as innovative approaches to work, complexity of services, focus on the result and formation of benefits for the clients, sizes of projects, references from the clients, etc.
From the moment of implementation into the tax practice of the norms of transfer pricing, Larysa Vrublevska, partner, auditor, headed the practice of ILC EUCON.
“Recognition of ILC EUCON as number one in transfer pricing according to European Tax Awards 2015 became possible due to the experience and hard work of Larysa Vrublevska together with the whole team of lawyers, auditors and assessors. We are also grateful to all our clients-both international and national companies, who have entrusted us with the questions of transfer pricing”, – said the managing partner of ILC EUCON Yaroslav Romanchuk.