Lawyers of ILC EUCON defended the interests of Ukrrichflot PJSC in the district administrative court
Ukrrichflot filed a lawsuit to cancel tax notice-decisions by the tax inspectorate on recovery of monetary land tax liabilities. The subject matter of the dispute was the use of land for the purposes other than intended. The ILC EUCON team managed to convince the court of the existence of overpaid tax liabilities incurred at the [:]
Latest trends in automation and business security were discussed at the “Integrated solution for enterprise automation” conference.
Ways to increase the efficiency of new opportunities and current trends in the field of automation and business security were discussed at the “Integrated solution for enterprise automation” conference, which took place on July 19, 2017 in Kyiv. Yevhen Petrenko, a partner, lawyer, head of criminal law and litigation at EUCON International Legal Center, was [:]
Business protection. The algorithm of actions during a search and interrogation. Tips by Yevhen Petrenko
On July 14, 2017 a seminar on “Searches, seizures, interrogations, arrests! How to save your business? How to protect yourself?” was held in Kyiv. Yevhen Petrenko, Partner, Head of Criminal Law and Litigation, Attorney at EUCON International Legal Center took part in the seminar. The seminar was divided into eleven blocks, which included legal ways [:]
МПЦ EUCON отстоял в суде интересы международной нефтяной компании
Юристы Международного правового центра EUCON отстояли правомерность позиции международной нефтяной компании в Высшем административном суде Украины. Дело сопровождалось в судах административной юрисдикции более 12 лет, но все же определением кассационного суда было оставлено без изменений постановление суда первой инстанции, которым отменены налоговые уведомления-решения органа ГФС. Общий размер начисленных налоговых обязательств составил 2,5 млн грн. Юристам МПЦ EUCON удалось [:]
VII International Forum “Polish Business Days in Ukraine”
On 26th October 2017 the VII International Forum “Polish Business Day in Ukraine” will be held in Kyiv. The forum has been uniting representatives of the authorities and business community of Ukraine and Poland in order to develop Polish-Ukrainian trade and economic relations, implement business-projects and enhance the inflow of investments into the Ukrainian economy, [:]
4th International Business Forum “Ukraine-2017. Challenges and Opportunities” was held in Kharkiv
Yaroslav Romanchuk, managing partner of EUCON International Legal Center, President of the Ukrainian Business Association in Poland, participated in the 4th International Business Forum in Kharkiv on June 21, 2017. As part of the session dedicated to exports and international cooperation, Yaroslav explained the participants how the Ukrainian exporters would benefit from opening their own [:]
Lawyers of ILC EUCON defended the legal position of Vostok LLC, international oil trading company
The Kyiv Administrative Court of Appeal canceled tax notice-decisions by the Large Taxpayers’ Office of the State Fiscal Service on additional monetary excise tax liabilities towards Vostok LLC in the total amount of UAH 5.8 million. The lawyers of ILC EUCON upheld the legality of the position of the international oil trading company that the [:]
Прозрачный фон
«Главное для инвесторов — это прозрачное администрирование налогов, простые и предсказуемые правила, без коррупции» акцентирует Ярослав Романчук, управляющий партнер Международного правового центра EUCON. — Считаете ли вы, что следствием принятия анонсированного антикоррупционного проекта изменений в Налоговый кодекс Украины будет рост инвестиций в нашу экономику? — На протяжении последних лет наблюдалось сильное недоверие бизнеса к фискальным органам, прокуратуре, судам [:]
Ukrainians do well in Poland as Poles in Ukraine complain about corruption
Yaroslav Romanchuk, the president of Ukrainian Business Association in Poland, told the Kyiv Post on April 25 that since the 1990s, Polish businesspeople have invested 800 million euros in Ukraine’s economy, while Ukrainian investors, according to the official statistics, have pumped 56 million euros into Poland over the same period. However, Romanchuk said that while [:]
EUCON defended the interests of the international oil company in court
The lawyers of ILC EUCON upheld the legality of the position of the international oil company in the High Administrative Court of Ukraine. The case was accompanied in courts of administrative jurisdiction for more than 12 years, but, nevertheless, the decision of the court of the first instance, which canceled the tax notice-decisions by the [:]
Плановые заботы
На форуме «Трансфертное ценообразование-2017» юристы, аудиторы и представители госорганов обсудили внедрение Плана BEPS и другие насущные вопросы. ретий год применения новых «антиофшорных» правил дал свои плоды: возможности фискальных органов возросли, возникли первые споры, а международные эксперты признают преимущества законодательства Украины. Итоги изменений позволил подвести международный форум «Трансфертное ценообразование-2017», проведенный в Киеве Международным правовым центром EUCON [:]
On 29-30 May, 2017 an annual two-day conference INTAX FORUM UKRAINE 2017 was held in Parkovy Convention and Exhibition Center, Kyiv. The event brought together international professionals in the field of corporate finance, corporate structuring and international tax planning from all over the world. The organizers invited the managing partner of EUCON International Legal Center, [:]
Results of the III International Forum “Transfer Pricing – 2017”
On May 25, 2017 the III International Forum “Transfer Pricing – 2017”, organized by International Legal Center EUCON and International Audit Union, was held in Kyiv. The Council of Independent Accountants and Auditors and Tax Advisors Association were the co-organizers of the event.
III National Export Support Forum: a dialogue between the authorities and exporters
On 24-25 May, 2017 III the National Export Support Forum was held in Kyiv. The event became a meeting point for the leading exporters and experts of Ukraine, who had an opportunity to discuss ways of implementation of the export strategy and priorities of Ukraine’s export development. Yaroslav Romanchuk, Managing Partner of EUCON International Legal [:]
VI International Forum «Ukrainian Business Day» was held in Poland
On May 18, 2017 one of the most significant events in Polish-Ukrainian economic cooperation – VI International Forum “Ukrainian Business Day” in Poland – took place in Warsaw. The main aim of the event is to create a platform for exchange of ideas and cooperation between the two countries and foster the flow of foreign investment [:]
Yaroslav Romanchuk won in the category «Best Lawyer in Tax Disputes»
According to the eleventh awarding ceremony of the best lawyers of Ukraine Legal Awards 2017, which was held on the 17th May 2017, the managing partner of the International Legal Center EUCON Yaroslav Romanchuk won in the category “Best Lawyer in Tax Disputes”.
The IV International Tax Forum Results
On April 12, 2017 the Fourth International Tax Forum organized by Yurydychna Praktyka Publishing House took place in Kyiv. Traditionally, EUCON International Legal Center was the General Partner of the forum. The forum started with a panel discussion, which was devoted to global tax trends and their impact on Ukraine. Yaroslav Romanchuk, attorney, Managing Partner [:]
Участники форума обсудили уголовно-правовые риски налоговых правоотношений
Уголовно-правовым рискам налоговых правоотношений была посвящена одна из секций IV Международного налогового форума. Открывая работу секции модератор, управляющий партнер АО «Вдовичен и Партнеры» Олег Вдовичен призвал участников в случае выявления неправомерных действий писать сообщать о них общественности, что позволит в дальнейшем привлекать таких лиц к ответственности. Рассказывая о проблемных вопросах судебной практики привлечения к уголовной [:]
Эксперты обсудили последствия либерализации законодательства о ТЦО
IV Международный налоговый форум продолжает свою работу. В рамках второй секции четвертой сессии эксперты делятся последствиями либерализации законодательства о ТЦО. Многие компании выпали из перечня контролируемых из-за увеличения стоимостного критерия в три раза. Вместе с тем, отдельные изменения не были согласованы с другими, заметила партнер Международного правового центра EUCON Лариса Врублевская. Как подчеркнул начальник управления [:]
Изменений в налоговом законодательстве для улучшения инвестклимата в ближайшее время не будет, – эксперты форума
Влияние на Украину глобальных трендов налогообложения обсудили на панельной дискуссии в рамках IV Международного налогового форума, который проходит сегодня в Киеве. Рассказывая об этапах присоединения Украины к Плану BEPS и перспективах обмена налоговой информацией, бизнес-омбудсмен Украины Альгирдас Шемета отметил, что на Украине существует риск «тупого применения» международных норм – то есть они могут применяться в [:]