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From challenges to common solutions: The XVIII International Forum “Polish-Ukrainian Business Days” took place in Warsaw on 15 November


Once again, Warsaw became the epicentre of the consolidation of the Polish-Ukrainian business community: more than 130 participants and around 30 speakers met in one place to discuss the possibilities of attracting investment for the reconstruction of Ukraine and to look for new horizons of cooperation in the Ukraine-Poland context.

On April 27, the XVII International Forum “Polish-Ukrainian Business Days” will be held in Warsaw


The synergy of Ukrainian and European societies has begun to show success on each of the fronts in the Russian war against Ukraine: the provision of necessary weapons, strong sanctions pressure on the aggressor, diplomatic consolidation, financial and economic support, cultural dialogue and, of course, cooperation of business communities form a chain of important factors [:]

First Legal Forum EU – EASTERN PARTNERSHIP 2023


On May 25-26, 2023, the First Legal Forum EU – EASTERN PARTNERSHIP will be held in Warsaw. The First Legal Forum EU-Eastern Partnership is a modern communication platform created in 2022 as a new platform for constructive dialogue between law firm partners, heads of legal departments of companies and specialists in business development, marketing and [:]

Business in the conditions of war, unprecedented support from Poland, preparation of the “Marshal’s Plan” for the reconstruction of Ukraine: the jubilee XV International Forum “Polish-Ukrainian Business Days” took place in Warsaw on April 28


During 8 years of existence, the International Forum “Polish-Ukrainian Business Days” has been transformed into one of the largest and most important communication platforms, uniting representatives of the business community, employers, financial institutions, government officials and government agencies of Ukraine and Poland. That is why the jubilee XV International Forum “Polish-Ukrainian Business Days” on April [:]


  Важливе стратегічне та географічне розташування Польщі, привабливий ринок праці, сприятливі умови для інвестування, розвинуте ділове середовище, лояльна податкова система, консалтингове сприяння, супровід та допомога у юридичних та бухгалтерських послугах – основні стимули, які спонукають дедалі більше наших співгромадян ставати підприємцями у сусідній країні.

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