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I Polsko-Ukraińskie Forum Energii Odnawialnej


On May 17, 2012 the POLISH-UKRAINIAN RENEWABLE ENERGY FORUM was held in the Club of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Managing Partner of the International Legal Center «EUCON» Yaroslav Romanchuk took part in this event and presented a paper on “Legal and economic preconditions for cooperation with Ukraine in the field of renewable energy.”

III Professional Conference


Managing partner of the International Legal Center «EUCON»Yaroslav Romanchuk participated as a moderator in the III Professional Conference “Actual issues of protection of intellectual property rights and the principles of fair competition in the field of production of alcohol, food and tobacco products” which was held on May 11, 2012 and presented a paper on [:]

International scientific and practical conference “Actual problems of fighting corruption in the State Tax Service of Ukraine”


On April 25, 2012 Managing Partner of the International Legal Center «EUCON» Yaroslav Romanchuk presented a paper on “Formation of a new tax culture as anti-corruption factor” at the International scientific-practical conference “Actual problems of fighting corruption in the State Tax Service of Ukraine.” Olexander Klymenko, Head of STS of Ukraine, as well as international [:]

Выплата без дивидендов


С принятием Налогового Кодекса Украины (НК), законодателем были введены новые нормы относительно выплат роялти нерезидентам. Рассмотрим некоторые из основных аспектов налогообложения таких выплат, учитывая тот факт, что платежи по лицензионным договорам являются роялти. Налоги по-новому НК дает, в частности, новое определение термина “роялти”. Согласно пп. 14.1.225 п. 14.1 ст. 14 кодекса, роялти – это любой [:]

“TOP 50 law firms UKRAINE”


According to the TOP-50 law firms of Ukraine rating 2011, published by the newspaper Yuridicheskaya Praktika (Legal Practice), International Legal Center «EUCON» joined the top 50 law firms in Ukraine. On 6 December newspaper Legal practice with the publishing house “Kommersant-Ukraine” published an annual 50 leading law firms in Ukraine rating. According to the rating [:]

X – Economic Summit Poland – Ukraine


On 3-4 February 2011, Yaroslav Romanchuk – Managing Partner of the International Legal Center “EUCON”, Chairman of the Board of Directors of International Audit Union, a member of the Council of Entrepreneurs under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine will arrive to Warsaw at the anniversary X – Economic Summit Poland – Ukraine at the [:]

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