Publications - Page 11 of 39 - EUCON legal Group

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Innovation and what? The features of business assistance in the crisis were discussed by the participants of the LAW to LAW conference


LAW to LAW online conference took place on April 22, which brought together representatives of legal consulting from Eastern European countries – Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, and Poland. The head of the office EUCON Legal Group in Warsaw Andrii Romanchuk became the speaker of the third block of the event. Product policy, optimization of [:]

Legal Business in Active Search: “Yuridicheskaya Praktika and Legal High School Organize First ON-LAW MARATHON


“Yuridicheskaya Praktika” (The “Practice of Law” newspaper) publishing and Legal High School educational platform hosted the first online event, the ON-LAW MARATHON – “Business in the Crisis: Changing Settings”, which took place on April 17, and Yaroslav Romanchuk, Managing Partner of Legal Group EUCON, also participated in this event. The meeting was moderated by Rustam Kolesnyk, [:]



If you are not currently in the territory of Poland but you have urgent questions related to your business, real estate, mortgage, bank, leasing, car, school, employer, legalization of stay, tax or customs issues, which need immediate solution, our specialists are ready to provide qualified assistance. Our lawyers, attorneys-at-law, tax advisers, accounting advisers are at [:]

“What if …”: changes in the agricultural sector of the region’s economy after the land reform were discussed by members of the forum in Pokrovsk


The First East Agro Workshop on “Possibilities of Effective Development of Agricultural Sector of the Economy of the Region in terms of Land Reform Implementation” was held in Pokrovsk, on March 3, 2020. Anatolii Miroshnychenko, attorney-at-law, senior partner of Legal GroupEUCON, participated in the Event as a speaker. During the sessions and panel discussions, experts [:]

Юридическая группа EUCON реализует социальный проект в сфере земельного и аграрного права


20 декабря Юридическая группа EUCON в лице управляющего партнера Ярослава Романчука и Координационный центр по предоставлению правовой помощи (КЦПП) в лице директора Алексея Бонюка в рамках реализации инициатив относительно государственно-частного партнерства подписали меморандум о сотрудничестве.

Настроиться на нужную чистоту


«Следует менять философию ведения бизнеса и переструктурироваться через респектабельные европейские юрисдикции» рекомендует Ярослав Романчук, управляющий партнер Юридической группы EUCON [:]

Звідки українці візьмуть гроші на купівлю землі


Про це йшлося під час Першого земельного форуму «Доступ до фінансів та лізингу», організованого у Києві Юридичною групою EUCON. Представники державних структур, банків, лізингових та фінансових компаній, бізнесу та агросектору зібрались, аби обговорити шляхи пошуку нових фінансових джерел для аграріїв, наявні програми підтримки розвитку, кредитування та лізингу, майбутні проекти та окреслити майбутні перспективи. Захід розпочався [:]

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