Publications - Page 13 of 39 - EUCON legal Group

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In search of dialogue: a meeting of a team of the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture with deputies of the Committee of Verkhovna Rada on Agrarian and Land Policy


The newly established Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine, despite all discussions, has started active work. So, on September 19, the Ministry team met with deputies of the Committee of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Agrarian and Land Policy of Ukraine. Anatolii Miroshnychenko, Senior Partner, Head of Land and Agrarian Law Practice [:]

Transfer Pricing 2019 – Refining Rules under BEPS Terms


Currently, many countries have certain issues related to the payment of taxes, as existing rules enable businesses to use abusive practices with regard to tax rates, regulations, and benefits in different countries. To prevent this, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has developed recommendations with respect to combating tax evasion – BEPS Plan [:]

Series of workshops on “Transfer pricing: practical aspects” from EUCON Legal Group continues  – for the third time the Event will be held on September 10 in Kyiv!


After the end of the summer vacation season, it is very difficult to return to the work schedule, but still the work season begins rapidly! We remind that the deadline for submission of the TP reports expires on October 1, that is why in order to be prepared in advance for all the pitfalls, complexities [:]

Summer Equator: Experts have started the stage of preparation for reporting on TP


The practical seminar from the All-Ukrainian public organization “Association of Taxpayers of Ukraine” was held on July 15.Speakers of the Event were professional experts in the field of taxes and transfer pricing, namely, employees of the SFS of Ukraine, consulting companies, tax consultants, auditors, etc. Thus, Larysa Vrublevska,partner, leader of the transfer pricing practices of [:]



Сегодня в пресс-центре информационного агентства «Интерфакс-Украина» состоялась пресс-конференция на тему «Украинские рейдеры с помощью коррумпированных чиновников захватили компанию пяти немецких инвесторов». В роли спикеров выступили: немецкие инвесторы — Бертольд Карл Алоис Вильд и Роберт Шмидт, советник по аграрным вопросам Посольства Федеративной Республики Германия в Украине Герман Интеманн, и украинские адвокаты — Ярослав Романчук (управляющий партнер [:]

EUCON Legal Group entered the Ranking “Top 50 Law Firms in Ukraine”, which was initiated by “Kyiv Post” for the first time


The newspaper “KyivPost” for the first time compiled and published its own independent rating of law firms “Top 50 law firms in Ukraine”. EUCON LegalGroup ranked 23th with a total score of 239.33. “KyivPost”has found a non-standard approach to ranking, evaluating both large international and boutique law firms according to the same criteria, and excludingtransaction [:]

Про міжнародні податкові тренди на V Міжнародному форумі «Трансфертне ціноутворення та міжнародне податкове планування – 2019»


За організацією Юридичної групи EUCON, разом із International Fiscal Association Ukraine відбувся V Міжнародний форум на тему: «Трансфертне ціноутворення та міжнародне податкове планування – 2019». На форумі був присутній представник ГУ ДФС у Дніпропетровській області. Ключовими питаннями форуму стали: поточний стан процесів Імплементації в Україні окремих положень плану BEPS, нові підходи держави в організації контролю [:]

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