Publications - Page 23 of 39 - EUCON legal Group

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Inspections of controlled transactions pick up speed


According to the rules of the Tax Code of Ukraine,tax control in the sphere of transfer pricing is undertaken by monitoring and inspecting the calculation of completeness and of payment of income tax in controlled transactions. Such information, obtained during monitoring of economic activities, is the basis for decision adoption as of inspections conduct. According [:]

Sunflower oil producers are interested in entering the Polish market


On September 15, 2016 the second international conference “High-oleic market: evolution of development“took place in Kyiv. The conference addressed global trends in the market of high-oleic sunflower oil and Ukraine’s place in it. At the invitation of the organizers, Managing Partner of the International Legal Center EUCON Yaroslav Romanchuk took part in the forum with relevant [:]

Transfer Pricing in the Focus of INTAX FORUM UKRAINE 2016


On September 12-13, 2016 an annual two-day international conference INTAX FORUM UKRAINE took place in Kyiv. Since 2011 the conference has been a platform for experience exchange between international experts in the field of taxation, finance and tax planning. The first day of the forum addressed issues of international tax planning and corporate business structuring. [:]

The XXVI Economic Forum in Poland was held under the theme: “Europe facing challenges – united or divided?”


On September 6-8, 2016 in Krynica-Zdroj (Poland) the XXVI annual Economic Forum (2016) was held under the theme: “Europe facing challenges – united or divided?” The forum brought together about 3,000 participants from over 60 countries: representatives of governments, politicians, businesses, local governments, international organizations and think tanks. The forum was attended by the managing [:]

Упрямое действие


КААС оставил без изменений решение по делу о получении разрешения на трудоустройство Савика Шустера 12 июля 2016 года в Киевском апелляционном административном суде состоялось рассмотрение апелляционной жалобы по «делу Шустера», интересы которого представляли адвокаты МПЦ EUCON Ярослав Романчук и Евгений Петренко. Судьба апелляции ответчика решилась в течение одного заседания. Как известно, 13 июня с.г. Окружной административный суд г. Киева [:]

Exports through Poland attract attention of the Government of Ukraine


On July 22, 2016 a regular meeting of the Export Promotion Council at the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine devoted to economic cooperation with Poland took place at the Club of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and was headed by Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine Natalia Mykolska. [:]

Фон помощи


Польское правительство презентовало программу поддержки экономического развития Украины. 30 июня–1 июля 2016 года в Киеве состоялась двухдневная конференция по «инаугурации» проекта Министерства развития Республики Польша в рамках программы «Польская помощь по развитию-2016». 30 июня с.г. в Клубе Кабинета Министров Украины прошел первый день конференции под названием «Повышение инвестиционной привлекательности Украины и конкурентоспособности регионов». Второй день мероприятия — 1 июля — был посвящен [:]

Round-table discussion on the implementation of industrial parks


At the round-table discussion “Industrial Parks as a point of investment attractiveness of Ukraine and a tool of regional development policy” which was held on July 5, 2016 at the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship, a special attention was paid to the Polish experience in this matter. At the invitation of the [:]

Transfer price formation within commission agreements


A commission agreement is quite a popular agency agreement, which is often used by taxpayers in their foreign economic activity. Given the fact that for the purposes of income tax assessment foreign economic transactions on selling products through non-residents agents are deemed controlled transactions, many questions arise as to various aspects of transfer price formation [:]

Документация по трансфертному ценообразованию: есть о чем поговорить


Лариса ВРУБЛЕВСКАЯ, аудитор, партнер, руководитель практики трансфертного ценообразования Международного правового центра EUCON, партнер глобального Альянса по вопросам трансфертного ценообразования TPA Global (г.Амстердам), Генеральный директорМеждународного аудиторского союза С 01.01.2015 г. действует норма НКУ, в соответствии с которой налогоплательщики, осуществляющие контролируемые операции, должны вести и хранить документацию по трансфертному ценообразованию. Как внешние консультанты, занимающиеся подготовкой таких документов, [:]

Шлях на Польщу: як вийти на ринок ЄС через західного сусіда?


адвокат, керуючий партнер Міжнародного правового центру EUCON ЯрославРОМАНЧУК Підприємцям не варто переносити українські «правила» ведення бізнесу на європейські юрисдикції при виході на нові ринки. Починаючи з 2014 року, з моменту, коли почав закриватися російський ринок, а після підписання угоди про Асоціацію відкрилися двері європейського ринку, український бізнес почав активно шукати шляхи реалізації своєї продукції та [:]

Latest requirements for TP documentation were discussed at the round table “Trends in International Taxation: Conclusions for Ukraine”


As part of the round table discussion on the topic “Trends in International Taxation: Conclusions for Ukraine“, which was held in Kyiv on the premises of UNIAN on June 10, 2016, the issue of requirements for transfer pricing documentation was discussed. Report on the subject was presented by Larysa Vrublevska, Partner, Head of Transfer Pricing [:]

Recent Trends: Transfer Pricing 2016


In recent years the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development has been working on measures to combat offshore and aggressive tax optimization. In this sense transfer pricing has always been one of the most effective means of preventing tax base understatement (erosion) and taxable profit shifting to low-tax jurisdictions. In their final version, namely in [:]

New tax control instruments in transfer pricing


“Our clients are quite often interested in issues related to the mechanisms, according to which the supervisory authority makes a decision on conducting the inspection of controlled transactions or on sending a request for submission of transfer pricing documents, says Yaroslav Romanchuk, managing partner of ILC EUCON. “Taxpayers try to understand the way the companies, [:]

Transfer pricing and representations of non-residents


A representation of foreign business is an institution or a person representing the interests of a foreign business entity in Ukraine, as for this it has duly accorded the appropriate mandate and acts in its interests and favor. Pursuant to the Tax Code, a representation of a non-resident is treated as equivalent to a taxpayer [:]

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