Publications - Page 30 of 39 - EUCON legal Group

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Аргументы и акты


Оформление акта проверки и налогового уведомления-решения в форме единого документа позволит упростить процедуру налогового контроля За последние восемь лет процессуальной практики кассационных судов по рассмотрению дел об обжаловании актов налоговых проверок, действий, связанных с проведением проверок и формированием выводов актов проверок, вынесено немало решений суда. Не обжаловать Ни для кого не новость, что акт налоговой [:]

І International Forum «TRANSFER PRICING – 2015»


The growing interest toward innovation on transfer pricing (hereinafter – TP) on the part of domestic business and experts has become a prerequisite for the I International Forum “TRANSFER PRICING – 2015” which was held on March 12, 2015 in one of hotels in the capital city and will become an annual event in the [:]

II International Tax Forum


On April 9, 2015 at the Premier Palace Hotel (Kyiv) took place the second annual International Tax Forum, organized by the newspaper “Legal Practice” with the support of the Tax Advisors Association. The General Partner of the Forum was International Legal Center EUCON. The first most relevant topic for discussion with top-ranked officials was the [:]

Весь комплекс мер


За последние пять лет практика Высшего административного суда Украины по спорам, связанным с доначислением налоговых обязательств налогоплательщикам в связи с отражением в налоговом учете результатов хозяйственной деятельности с «сомнительными контрагентами», менялась глобально дважды. Первым изменением практики кассационного суда была необходимость предоставления судье полного перечня финансово-хозяйственных документов, подтверждения фактов изменения в активах плательщика. Второе изменение касается [:]

International Legal Center EUCON has been nominated for prestigious award Ukraine Transfer Pricing Firm of the Year


International Legal Center EUCON has been nominated for prestigious award Ukraine Transfer Pricing Firm of the Year. This high recognition of ILC EUCON bespeaks its ability to consult in complex transfer pricing issues in the Ukrainian market next to the leading global service providers. European leading law and consulting companies are awarded by highly-recognized specialized [:]

An access to the european market was a matter for discussion at the Second International business forum


Strategic directions for domestic business development in the context of international economic cooperation were discussed at the Second International Business Forum, which took place on March 20, 2015 in Kharkiv. The Forum brought together over 200 representatives of business circles of Ukraine, Poland, the United States and other countries. This is the second major business [:]

І International Forum «TRANSFER PRICING – 2015»


The growing interest toward innovation on transfer pricing (hereinafter – TP) on the part of domestic business and experts has become a prerequisite for the I International Forum “TRANSFER PRICING – 2015” which was held on March 12, 2015 in one of hotels in the capital city and will become an annual event in the [:]

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