Publications - Page 31 of 39 - EUCON legal Group

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International Competition of Investment Projects


International Competition of Investment Projects was launched on March 2, 2015 and was organized by: International Legal Center EUCON Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce International Audit Union The competition will be completed on May 15, 2015 in Warsaw, where the winners will be announced. Only the application form for participation in the competition is required to [:]

В ходе семинара «Открытие бизнеса в Польше: от А до Я» эксперты рассказали о нюансах открытия бизнеса в Республике Польша


Как зарегистрировать компанию в Польше? Об этом рассказал советник по вопросам международного корпоративного права МПЦ EUCON Андрей Романчук в ходе практического семинара на тему «Открытие бизнеса в Польше: от А до Я». Семинар организован МПЦ EUCON и Польско-Украинской хозяйственной палатой при поддержке Отдела содействия торговли и инвестициям Посольства Республики Польша. Андрей Романчук отметил, что основной [:]



EUCON Legal Group is a company that has been providing legal services in Ukraine and Poland since 2006. The EUCON team is an association of professionals: lawyers, attorneys-at-law, auditors, tax advisers, transfer pricing professionals, accounting and tax consultants. Adhering to a synergistic approach is our competitive advantage and enables us to produce comprehensive and effective [:]

Lawyers of the International Legal Center «EUCON» defended the interests of the Private Enterprise “STANDARD”


Lawyers of the International Legal Center «EUCON» defended the interests of the Private Enterprise “STANDARD” at the Main Department of the Ministry of Revenue and Duties in the Kyiv region. Private enterprise “STANDARD” filed an administrative complaint to the Main Department of the Ministry of Revenue and Duties in Kyiv region on tax notice-decisions of [:]

The process of introducing


In order to provide clients with more comprehensive services International Legal Center EUCON have broadened the range of provided services and introduced new practices, in particular in the field of compliance, electronic and mobile commerce, accounting and tax accounting, property appraisal. Compliance services provided by our company include consulting and support of the following processes: [:]

Lawyers of the International Legal Center EUCON defended interests of the Ukrrichflot, Shipping Company in administrative procedure at the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine


Lawyers of the International Legal Center EUCON defended interests of the Ukrrichflot, Shipping Company in administrative procedure at the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine. Requirements of the taxpayer were satisfied partially during the process of company’s objections on the certificate of inspection in the total amount of VAT which is more than UAH 1,6 mln [:]

Організація ефективної системи контролю за дотриманням законодавства в сфері трансфертного ціноутворення на підприємстві


“Our experience in the area of transfer pricing shows that taxpayers make a number of mistakes when they prepare reports on controlled transactions”, Yaroslav Romanchuk, the managing partner of International Legal Center EUCON, says. He argues that such mistakes are generally a consequence of the complexity of legislation, lack of clear regulations, and their lack [:]

The General Meeting of members of the Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce


On December 15, 2014 the General Meeting of Members of the Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce took place. By results of the meeting Yaroslav Romanchuk, Managing Partner of the International Legal Center EUCON was elected as the Vice-President of the Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Larysa Vrublevska, associate partner International Legal Center EUCON, – Chairman of [:]

Top – 50 Leading Law Firms of Ukraine 2014


International Legal Center EUCON being recognized as one of the top 50 Leading Law Firms in Ukraine having taken the 20th position according to the results of the annual ranking conducted by the Yuridicheskaya Praktika newspaper. EUCON was ranked second as the B est Tax L aw Fi rm by p ractice areas according to [:]

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