Publications - Page 10 of 39 - EUCON legal Group

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Support time: Yaroslav Romanchuk became a participant of the Ukrainian-Polish Business Support Forum


The closing speech of the Event-week was made by Yaroslav Romanchuk, President of Ukrainian Business Association in Poland,  Managing Partner of EUCON Legal Group within the “Ukrainian-Polish Business Support Forum” organized by Zhytomyr Regional Development Agency. The purpose of the event was to discuss current issues of business development at the present stage and the development [:]

New conditions, new needs, new format: on September 24 the XII International Forum “Polish-Ukrainian Business Days” took place for the first time online


Despite the update of the XII International Forum «Polish-Ukrainian Business Days» has traditionally remained a leading voice of ideas for optimizing Polish-Ukrainian cooperation, a platform for discussion, initiation and creation of interesting infrastructure, investment, business projects, acquaintance of Polish and Ukrainian entrepreneurs and dialogue with the authorities of the two countries.

Concerns everyone: Larysa Vrublevska gave a lecture within the seminar of Association of Taxpayers of Ukraine on the features of TP reporting in 2020


September 24 was a productive day for the team of EUCON Legal Group: while colleagues took part in the XII International Forum “Polish-Ukrainian Business Days”, Larysa Vrublevska, auditor, partner, head of transfer pricing practice, once again became a lecturer at the seminar of the Association of Taxpayers of Ukraine.

Объедингение полосы

«Клиенты ориентированы на комплексность предоставляемых услуг» — Евгений Петренко и Анна Шишко рассказали о мотивах объединения Юридической группы EUCON и A&B ADVOCATES[:]

Fall in law with TP: the VI International Forum “Transfer Pricing and International Taxation – 2020” was held online for the first time


On July 30 the EUCON Legal Group and the Transfer Pricing School with the International Fiscal Association Ukraine, having accepted the challenges and adapted to the new conditions, organized the VI International Forum “Transfer Pricing and International Taxation – 2020”, which was held online for the first time. For six years of productive work, the [:]

Wind of tax changes: the VII International Tax Forum took place online


On June 23, one of the largest annual legal events – the VII International Tax Forum from Legal Practice has been launched, which for the first time takes place online for three days. Managing partner of EUCON Legal Group, lawyer Yaroslav Romanchuk became the moderator of the first session, opening the Tax Forum with a welcome speech. [:]

Quarantine and reporting period: Larysa Vrublevska held a seminar on TP


Quarantine is quarantine, but reporting has not been canceled, therefore the seminar on TP conducted by Larysa Vrublevska, Auditor, Partner, Head of Transfer Pricing Practices of the EUCON Legal Group, on June 19, became especially relevant. The online event was organized by the Federation of Professional Accountants and Auditors of Ukraine and the Association of [:]

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