Publications - Page 34 of 39 - EUCON legal Group

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Связанные одной целью


С принятием Налогового кодекса Украины (НК Украины) законодатель начал менять подход в регулировании отношений со связанными лицами. В статье 39 НК Украины (период действия 1 января – 31 августа 2013 года) появились новые методы определения обычной цены, в том числе в операциях со связанными контрагентами, а с 1 сентября 2013 года (после принятия изменений о [:]

VІІ Annual In-House Counsel Conference


Associate partner of the ILC EUCON Larysa Vrublevska took part in the VII Annual In-House Counsel Conference. She gave an overview to the participants of the event on the level of responsibility of lawyers and accountants in enforcement and application of transfer pricing rules. The seventh annual conference of in-house c ounsel s was held [:]

Days of law career


This is the second consecutive year International Legal Center «EUCON» participated in the Days of the law career on April 23, 2014. A direct meeting with students, sharing relevant labor market information, ma intenance of contact with young professionals was t he core target of the company’s participation in this event. Furthermore , this event [:]

The process of introducing


The legal assistance was s uccessfully provided to Ukrainian Project Company “Vadlib” touching an economic case at the claim of “Alpha Real Estate Ltd ” to LLC “ Vadlib ” concerning an nul ment of an agreement o n performance of design and exploration works . In the result of the proceedings in the Supreme [:]

International legal center “EUCON” has taken a leading position in the international ranking The Legal 500


One of the most respected international legal market directories The Legal 500: EMEA published the results of its annual analytical research marked highly professionalism of the team of attorneys of the ILC EUCON. International Legal Center EUCON has declared itself confidently taking part in an independent research firstly, and immediately ranked in second tier in [:]

Student Tournament


The winners of the first All-Ukrainian tournament on classic legal debate on civil and land law were decided. The International Legal Center «EUCON» was a partner of this event. On March 28-29, 2014 there was the knockout round of the I All-Ukrainian tournament on classic legal debate on civil and land law within the Principal [:]

First International Tax Forum


International Legal Center «EUCON» was as a general partner of the First International Tax Forum, which is organized by the Public Council under the Ministry of Revenue and Duties of Ukraine and by the newspaper “Yiridicheskaya Praktika” (Legal Practice). Forum was held on April 10, 2014 at the “Premier Palace Hotel” in Kyiv. Managing partner [:]

Lawyers of the International Legal Center «EUCON» defended interests of “Trading House TEK OIL” at the Kyiv Administrative Court of Appeal


A claim was filed by the “Trading House TEK OIL” to the State Tax Inspection in the Golosiivskyi district of Kyiv city of Interregional Head Office of the Ministry of Revenue and Duties of Ukraine concerning abolishment of tax notice-decisions determining the amount of monetary liabilities and reducing the negative value of income tax in [:]

PJSC “Lysychansknaftoprodukt”


On 18.03.2014 t he Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine has upheld t he cassation appeal of PJSC “L y s y chanskn a ft o produkt”, court decisions of the previous instances were disaffirmed , the claim of Inland Revenue Local Compliance – Large and Complex Businesses in Lugansk of Interregional M ain Department of [:]

Sources of information on market prices


Taxpayers who carried out controlled transactions during 2013 are preparing to file reports. As the filing deadline approaches, more questions arise concerning justification of prices. In this regard, a great deal of attention is being paid to the analysis of information sources.  In view of the upcoming reporting, the Ministry of Revenue and Taxes of [:]

Логистическая цепочка


За последние несколько месяцев у налогоплательщиков, предоставляющих услуги перевозки, организацию (сопровождение) доставки грузов, или экспедиторские, логистические услуги с помощью автомобильного транспорта, возникает много вопросов по использованию, оформлению товарно-транспортных накладных (далее – ТТН). Обновления Данная проблематика связана с тем, что 14 января 2014 года вступил в силу приказ Министерства инфраструктуры Украины «Об утверждении Изменений к Правилам [:]

“Roundtable on real estate and construction”


On 21 March 2014 senior associate, attorney of the International Legal Center «EUCON» Volodymyr Bevza spoke on “Some tax aspects of real estate activities” on the Roundtable on real estate and construction. Source:

On 25 February 2014 lawyers of the International Legal Center «EUCON» defended interests of Ukrainian-German Limited Liability Company with Foreign Investment “KERSCHER” in Supreme Administrative Court.


Decisions of the court of first instance and court of appeal which invalidated tax notice-decisions of Interregional Head Office of the Ministry of Revenue and Duties of Ukraine – Central Large Taxpayer Office were upheld by cassation ruling dated from 25 February 2014. Due to the tax authorities’ decision the total VAT liabilities and corporate [:]

Lawyers of the International Legal Center «EUCON» defended interests of “Energy Group” LLC in Kyiv Administrative Court of Appeal


An appeal of the State Tax Inspection in Svyatoshyn district of the Ministry of Revenue and Duties of Ukraine against a decision of the court of first instance was dismissed by the ruling of the Kyiv Administrative Court of Appeal. Tax notice-decisions were appealed in this litigation, estimated the amount of income tax liabilities in [:]

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