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International legal center “EUCON” has taken a leading position in the international ranking The Legal 500


One of the most respected international legal market directories The Legal 500: EMEA published the results of its annual analytical research marked highly professionalism of the team of attorneys of the ILC EUCON. International Legal Center EUCON has declared itself confidently taking part in an independent research firstly, and immediately ranked in second tier in [:]

Student Tournament


The winners of the first All-Ukrainian tournament on classic legal debate on civil and land law were decided. The International Legal Center «EUCON» was a partner of this event. On March 28-29, 2014 there was the knockout round of the I All-Ukrainian tournament on classic legal debate on civil and land law within the Principal [:]

First International Tax Forum


International Legal Center «EUCON» was as a general partner of the First International Tax Forum, which is organized by the Public Council under the Ministry of Revenue and Duties of Ukraine and by the newspaper “Yiridicheskaya Praktika” (Legal Practice). Forum was held on April 10, 2014 at the “Premier Palace Hotel” in Kyiv. Managing partner [:]

Lawyers of the International Legal Center «EUCON» defended interests of “Trading House TEK OIL” at the Kyiv Administrative Court of Appeal


A claim was filed by the “Trading House TEK OIL” to the State Tax Inspection in the Golosiivskyi district of Kyiv city of Interregional Head Office of the Ministry of Revenue and Duties of Ukraine concerning abolishment of tax notice-decisions determining the amount of monetary liabilities and reducing the negative value of income tax in [:]

PJSC “Lysychansknaftoprodukt”


On 18.03.2014 t he Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine has upheld t he cassation appeal of PJSC “L y s y chanskn a ft o produkt”, court decisions of the previous instances were disaffirmed , the claim of Inland Revenue Local Compliance – Large and Complex Businesses in Lugansk of Interregional M ain Department of [:]

“Roundtable on real estate and construction”


On 21 March 2014 senior associate, attorney of the International Legal Center «EUCON» Volodymyr Bevza spoke on “Some tax aspects of real estate activities” on the Roundtable on real estate and construction. Source:

On 25 February 2014 lawyers of the International Legal Center «EUCON» defended interests of Ukrainian-German Limited Liability Company with Foreign Investment “KERSCHER” in Supreme Administrative Court.


Decisions of the court of first instance and court of appeal which invalidated tax notice-decisions of Interregional Head Office of the Ministry of Revenue and Duties of Ukraine – Central Large Taxpayer Office were upheld by cassation ruling dated from 25 February 2014. Due to the tax authorities’ decision the total VAT liabilities and corporate [:]

Lawyers of the International Legal Center «EUCON» defended interests of “Energy Group” LLC in Kyiv Administrative Court of Appeal


An appeal of the State Tax Inspection in Svyatoshyn district of the Ministry of Revenue and Duties of Ukraine against a decision of the court of first instance was dismissed by the ruling of the Kyiv Administrative Court of Appeal. Tax notice-decisions were appealed in this litigation, estimated the amount of income tax liabilities in [:]

“Transfer pricing in Ukraine”


International Legal Center «EUCON» will be a partner of the International Conference “Transfer pricing in Ukraine” to be held on January 30-31, 2014 in Kyiv. London company “C5” will be an organizer of the conference. The auditor, associate partner Larysa Vrublevska will deliver a report on “Practical aspects for implementing Transfer Pricing Control Procedures in [:]

Lawyers of the International Legal Center «EUCON» defended interests of “AvtoNafta”, LLC which is a part of the group of companies of JSC Oil Company “NC Rosneft” in Kyiv Administrative Court of Appeal


A claim was filed by the Deputy prosecutor of Kyiv represented by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine to the Kyiv City Council in the interest of the state concerning abolishment and revocation of the City Council decision to dispose of land plots of “AvtoNafta” for the construction and maintenance of the [:]

Lawyers of the International Legal Center «EUCON» defended interests of “RN Commerce” LLC which is a part of the group of companies of JSC Oil Company “NC Rosneft” at the Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine


A claim was filed by the “RN Commerce” to the Interregional Head Office of the Ministry of Revenue and Duties of Ukraine – Central Large Taxpayer Office concerning abolishment of tax notice-decisions determining the amount of monetary liabilities on VAT in the total amount of UAH 43 049 873,00. Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine dismissed [:]

Lawyers of the International Legal Center «EUCON» defended interests of PJSC “LINYK” which is a part of the group of companies of JSC Oil Company “NC Rosneft” in Kyiv Administrative Court of Appeal


A claim was filed by the PJSC “LINYK” to the Kyiv regional customs office of the Ministry of Revenue and Duties of Ukraine concerning abolishment of tax notice-decisions determining the amount of monetary liabilities on VAT and excise tax in the total amount of UAH 133 457 661,6. Kyiv Administrative Court of Appeal dismissed the [:]

The court obligated NCCIR to extend licenses of the “Golden Telecom”


Lawyers of International Legal Center «EUCON» defended interests of the “Golden Telecom” in Kyiv Appeal Administrative Court on the claim brought by “Golden Telecom” to NCCIR concerning annulment of the decision and revocation of obligation to extend licenses. NCCIR refused to extend the licenses to “Golden Telecom” for the provision of fixed telephony, as the [:]

The biggest tournament in classic legal debates in Ukraine


International Legal Center «EUCON» became a partner of the northern regional round of the tournament in classic legal debates. This year, the Debate Club of the law faculty of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and Students League of the Ukrainian Bar Association founded and conducted the first round of the most ambitious in [:]

Top 50 leading law firms in Ukraine


According to the results of local legal market research “Top 50 Leading Law Firms of Ukraine” annually held by Yuridicheskaya Praktika (Legal Practice) together with Publishing House “Kommersant – Ukraine”, in 2013 International Legal Center «EUCON» boosts its positions for 4 spots, taking the 23rd place among 50 leading law firms in Ukraine.  According to [:]

Session of the ICC Commission on Taxation


On 22 October 2013 Managing Partner of International Legal Center «EUCON» Yaroslav Romanchuk participated in a visiting session of the ICC Commission on Taxation and on 23 October 2013 in the UN Tax Committee, which was held in Geneva (Switzerland).

Lawyers of the International Legal Center EUCON defended the interests of the company TNK-BP Commerce in the Kyiv Administrative Court of Appeal


The lawsuit was filed to the District State Tax Service by the TNK-BP Commerce – Central Office for servicing large taxpayers at the STSU to abolish tax decision notice establishing the VAT liabilities in the total amount of over 43 million UAH. Kyiv Administrative Court of Appeal rejected the District State Tax Service in granting [:]

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