Publications - Page 33 of 39 - EUCON legal Group

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Реорганизационные вопросы


С принятием Налогового кодекса Украины (НК) процедура налогового учета организующихся юридических лиц стала более урегулированной, хотя осталось немало спорных вопросов дальнейшего переноса показателей в налоговый учет правопреемников, в случае ликвидации предприятия-предшественника. Закон о реорганизации Порядок погашения денежных обязательств, налогового долга, дальнейшее использование в будущем сумм излишне уплаченных денежных обязательств, показателей отрицательного значения объекта обложения налогом [:]

Times of change continue


“God save you from living in the times of change” is the phrase attributed to ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius, who lived before Christ. However, nothing has changed in several millennia either. Ukrainian business faces poor luck and continues to live in times of change. The Ministry of Revenue and Taxes of Ukraine existed a bit [:]

International legal center EUCON received top rank from Kyiv Post


22 August the Kyiv Post Weekly, a prominent English-language business newspaper, announced the results of its annual survey of most successful law firms. International legal center EUCON has been ranked in Tier 1 in Tax. The findings are based on a peer survey conducted by the Kyiv Post in August among 90 law firms. “We [:]

Tax Advisers merged into Association


On July 29, 2014 the Meeting of Founders of Public Organization «Tax Advisers Association» took place at the Hotel «IBIS». The purpose of this Association is to bring together the knowledge of professionals (lawyers, auditors, tax advisers, accountants, scientists) in tax matters and create a platform for the exchange of experience, scientific activities, formation of [:]

Lawyers of the International Legal Center «EUCON» defended interests of “Zepter International Ukraine” in Higher Administrative Court of Ukraine.


A claim was filed by “Zepter International Ukraine” to the Kyiv Customs Authorities of the Ministry of Revenue and Duties of Ukraine concerning cancellation of additional tax liabilities on VAT and tax notice-decisions in the amount of UAH 3 833 676,37. A cassation appeal of the Kyiv Customs Authorities was dismissed by the decision of [:]

Легитимный резидент


Довольно проблемным и вследствие этого имеющим определенные риски на Украине, остается вопрос определения резидентства физических лиц в налоговом законодательстве. На протяжении достаточно большого промежутка времени судами рассмотрено много административных споров налогоплательщиков с органами Министерства доходов и сборов Украины (налоговые органы) по этому вопросу, и решения судов, в основном, принималась в пользу налогоплательщиков. Но обобщать судебные [:]

IPF 2014


On 26 June, associate partner of the International Legal Center EUCON Larysa Vrublevska made presentation at the Intellectual Property Forum 2014. On 26 June, Publishing House “Yuridicheskaya Praktika (Legal Practice)” with the support of the State Intellectual Property Service of Ukraine held an IPF 2014, which was attended by more than 200 lawyers specializing in [:]

Жать по-новому


Одна из насущных проблем налогового законодательства – это его применение на практике. Применение налоговых норм по отношению к налогоплательщикам осуществляют местные органы Министерства доходов и сборов Украины (далее – Миндоходов). Однако налоговые инспекции зачастую понимают нормы так, как трактует их центральный орган налоговой службы. Налоговые консультации С принятием Налогового кодекса Украины (НК), процесс разъяснения налогового [:]

Lawyers of the International Legal Center «EUCON» leading by managing partner, attorney Yaroslav Romanchuk, defended interests of “DPD Ukraine” (international logistics network) in Kyiv Administrative Court of Appeal


A claim was filed by the “DPD Ukraine” to the State Tax Inspection in Kyiv Sviatoshyn district of the Main department of the Ministry of Revenue and Duties of Ukraine in Kyiv region concerning abolishment of tax notice-decisions determining the amount of monetary (penalty) liabilities on CPT. Kyiv Administrative Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal [:]

Lawyers of the International Legal Center EUCON defended the interests of the TNK-BP Commerce in the Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine.


The lawsuit was filed to the District State Tax Service by the TNK-BP Commerce – Central Office for servicing large taxpayers at the STSU to abolish tax decision notices. These decision notices took negative values of taxable item by income tax, negative values ??and budget compensation of VAT amounts and defined VAT liabilities in the [:]

Choice of methods to determine the price for purposes of transfer pricing


Depending on the type of controlled transactions and the specific business activities of the taxpayer, one should choose a pricing method based on which the compliance of the contract price with the usual price would be examined. The procedure has a particular pattern. The legislation provides for five traditional pricing methods, and there are special [:]

Grupa prawnicza “EUCON” – Best Tax Law Firm of the Year


On 23rd May, 2014 the 8th Legal Awards ceremony for best lawyers of Ukraine took place. International Legal Center “EUCON” has been rewarded as a Best Tax Law Firm of the Year. On 23rd May, 2014 the 8th Legal Awards ceremony for best lawyers of Ukraine took place. International Legal Center “EUCON” has been rewarded [:]

A working group on improve ment of the Tax Code of Ukraine (preparation of the new version ) was formed by t he Ministry of Economic Development and Trade on behalf of the Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk and headed by Pavel Sheremet a, Minister of Economic Development and Trade.


Przy Ministerstwie rozwoju gospodarczego i ha ndlu na po lecenie P remiera Ukrainy Arseni j a Jaceniuka zosta ?a stworzona grupa robocza ds. udoskonaleni a (przygotowani a nowej redakcji) Kodeksu Podatkowego Ukrainy pod przewodnictwem Ministra rozwoju gospodarczego i handlu Paw?a Szeremety . W ramach grupy roboczej zosta ?y stworzone podgrupy. Na czele jednej z podgrup [:]

Lawyers of the International Legal Center «EUCON» defended interests of PJSC “LINYK” in Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine


A claim was filed by the PJSC “LINYK” to the Specialized State Tax Office for Major Tax Payers in Luhansk of the Interregional head office of the Ministry of Revenue and Duties of Ukraine concerning invalidation and cancellation of tax notification-decisions related to penalties collection from violation the due date of VAT refund from the [:]

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